Kiev Metro



There is no doubt that the metro system is the most popular means of transport in Kiev. Kiev Metro is the backbone of the public transport system.

With the number of cars is continuously rising, Kiev Metro is aimed at relieving traffic on the main roads. In 2012, Kiev Metro carried 53% of all passengers. It is the highest modal share, if compared with the other metro systems of the CIS countries. For this reason, it is essential that the system should be effective, safe and easy to use as even a slightest disruption may literally paralyze the city.




Kiev Metro in figures:
Number of lines 3
Total length, km. 66,15
Number of stations 51
Number of depots 3
Daily ridership, mio pax 1,4
Number of interchange stations 3
Inventory rolling stock, thous 775
Fulfillment of train schedule, % 99,92
Minimum headway, sec 90


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